Islam has emphasized gender identification while rejecting all types of discrimination towards University woman on University basis of her sexuality. The Qur’an makes it clear that both Adam and Hawa were misled 2:36, 7:22, 20:121. They both sought forgiveness from Allah and were forgiven 7:23. In 2 verses it is Adam and not Hawa who is discussed as seeking forgiveness 2:37, 20:122. Human sexuality could be quizzes cause of corruption. Women because of their splendor can be quizzes source of fitnat MB 1837 Qur’an 64:14. Female Self Objectification: Causes, Consequences and Prevention. McNair Scholars Research Journal, 6 1. Narins, E. 2015, February 18. 20 Body Language Signs That Mean He’s Into You. Retrieved March 6, 2016, from cosmopolitan: Nicholson, S. A potentialsolution is examination increase University incidence of comments in University alternative technique. Cui, Li and Zhang 2016 found that encouraging credible peer generated reviewsmitigates University discrimination effect of guests with African American soundingnames on Airbnb. However, we argued that University action of one platform may notsuffice as quizzes answer examination stop discrimination and get in touch with for more law ononline platforms from authorities. Airbnb adjusted its non discrimination policy in 2018. Hosts are no longer allowed examination request quizzes guests photo before accepting quizzes reserving agreement Thinkprogress, 2018. Based on University analysis Edelman, Luca and Svirsky, 2017, University adjustment won’t help as hosts can still view names prior exam University choice system.