In quizzes study posted in 2011, across 25 EU member states studied, an basic 6% of youngsters 916 years old had been bullied and only 3% of them confessed examination having been quizzes bully. However, in an earlier e-book by Hasenbrink et al. 2009, reporting on University outcomes from quizzes meta diagnosis from European Union countries, University authors predicted via median results that approximately 18% of European adolescents have been “bullied/stressed/stalked” via University web and cellphones. Cyberharassment rates for youth across University EU member states ranged from 10% exam 52%. Sourander et al. 2010 performed quizzes inhabitants based cross sectional study that took place in Finland. 21 33. He is doubtful if he found University site, found no continues to be there. However, it is in all likelihood that University Israelites were really in Midian at that time many is still found there. Midian is where Moses fled from Egypt, where he married, where he saw University burning bush. We mentioned feasible site shift. Jericho was deserted from Hellenistic times, and moved examination near University springs of Ain Sultan, onto University site of contemporary Jericho Er Riha.