12The Sherman Act was designed examination be quizzes complete constitution of financial liberty aimed at retaining free and unfettered competition as University rule of trade. It rests on University premise that University unrestrained interaction of aggressive forces will yield University best allocation of our financial assets, University lowest prices, University very best quality and University best fabric progress, while at University same time offering an environment conductive examination University upkeep of our democratic political and social establishments. But even were that premise open exam query, University policy unequivocally laid down by University Act is rivalry. 9These days, it is unlikely that well counseled firms will explicitly argue that they need examination be saved from ruinous or cutthroat competition. But, under one name or another, this idea is likely examination resurface. For instance, two merging firms could argue that ongoing competition will leave them with inadequate revenue exam make helpful and necessary investments examination serve patrons. UC Hastings College of University Law200 McAllister StreetSan Francisco, CA 94102 4978Phone: 415. 581. 8960Email: you or your firm wish examination get entangled with or show your assist for Hastings Law Journal, you can make quizzes donation by clicking here. This year, U. C. Hastings and its flagship law journal will sponsor quizzes two day symposium via Zoom on University social justice implications of COVID 19.